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Course | Spiritual Hypnotherapy | Levels 1 - 4





LEVEL 1 | COURSE OBJECTIVE | This is the beginning of intensive and extensive practitioner course, which will take you from the basics of subconscious mind all the way to past life regression and connection to spirit guides.


PREREQUISITE MATERIAL | None. It is suitable for both beginners who want to learn and receive healing as well as more advanced healers and life coaches who want to add a new technique to their practice.


WHAT IS PROVIDED | Course Literature + 1 Diploma upon completion from Doris Delessard - Instructor of the course & Founder of The Lightwork Experience SAS.


WHAT YOU WILL LEARN + CONTENT | Be prepared for a very intensive course. Personal healing and growth will be strong and magnified as you will all practice on one another almost everyday).The techniques you will learn are a combination of clinical hypnotherapy and spiritual awareness. In the course we address the concepts of theory of the mind, chakras, Karma and at a later stage past life regression,
the spiritual realms, the purpose of life and more. At Level 1 we will start with the following basics: 


• The theory of the mind.
• The power of the subconscious.
• Where do problems reside?.
• How can healing be done?.
• The theory of suggestibility.
• How to put a person in and out of trance through a deep relaxed state.
• Plant affirmations / scripts into a person’s subconscious.
• Bringing a person back to her/his full awareness.



LEVEL 2 | COURSE OBJECTIVE | Once you have understood and practiced the basics and functioning of the mind in Level 1, we go one step deeper in level 2.




WHAT IS PROVIDED | Course Literature + 1 Diploma upon completion from Doris Delessard - Instructor of the course & Founder of The Lightwork Experience SAS.


WHAT YOU WILL LEARN + CONTENT | You will learn to speak and interact with a person's subconscious mind. This will give you access to root cause of any concern or issue a client may have. You will also learn the following techniques : 


• Diagnostic tool - NO judgment techniques.
• Inner child therapy & integration.
• Trance Drama.
• Reaching the root of the problem.
• Cord cutting.
• Fears, phobias & circle therapy.


Because we apply those techniques during practice exercises, you will experience first hand the powerful healing hypnotherapy provides. You will not only gain knowledge, you will also experience expansion and growth by giving, receiving and witnessing sessions during the workshop. It is a highly transformational experience whether you want to become a professional or not. This training program aims in empowering you, and helping understand the depth of human being and behaviors. 




LEVEL 3 & 4 | COURSE OBJECTIVE | Levels 3 and 4 are all about reaching and giving access to spiritual realms.




WHAT IS PROVIDED | Course Literature + 1 Diploma upon completion from Doris Delessard - Instructor of the course & Founder of The Lightwork Experience SAS.


WHAT YOU LEARN + CONTENT |  You will learn to navigate with the client through time and space, into different dimensions. 

You will learn to create connections with various spirit families such as Spirit Guides, angels, fairies, astral families and to bring a client into its higher Self and explore Akashic Records, line of communications to ancestors and more. You will be given tools to expand your mind and gain access to higher levels of consciousness.You will be able to take clients into past lives and receive messages in order to heal their present and make their lives free of heavy emotions.


In the final level (4), you will learn to integrate all the techniques learnt in the different levels to carry and guide a complete session with full confidence.You will experience first hand what the lightwork experience is all about and what you will be able to create for the others in return.


During this workshop you will practice, give receive and witness sessions that will open your heart, your mind and your soul connection.




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